The Rapid Response Fund(RRF)was at three months
project titled"Provision of emergency Gender Based
Violence(GBV)Psychosocial support services" to the IPC4 affected and populationinTwicCounty
The world needs more women and Men to be empowered so that we have a equal society. So that Gender inability is eliminated in our society. Happy International Women's day celebration to all the women and Men fighting against inequality in our society.
Women for Change South Sudan Engaging Students To Create Awareness and participate in media engagements to build their confidence and peaceful coexistence in and through schools. "The rate of tribalism in our country happens because we don't love our selves and we're not coexisting peacefully, we need security to live peacefully" says Rose a student from Excel Secondary School-Yei, one of the GBV Ambassadors.
This year, the theme is “The Human Race” and it focuses on taking up global action to combat climate change while standing in solidarity with vulnerable populations around the world
"With the continuous efforts towards economically empowering women, we applaud women for change's commitment to amplifying women's voices through the WVL project" says Susan WVL Project Manager CARE and "We're ready to roll into the market to put our skills into practice and supporting our families is all we need and I am arguing our brothers, husbands and fathers to grant us this chance and we believe we can make a change" says Ms. Suzie, one of our donor.
As part of capacity Development Of WVL Partners, CARE conducted a security training program which is designed to teach WFC the skills to perform develop safety and security guide and perform humanitarian related tasks more securely. #Thanks to Care International for the continuous support.